Allows programmatic discovery of database schema information.


Public classCachedSchemaProviderProxy
Public classColumnSchema
Provides information about a table column.
Public classColumnSchemaCollection
Implements a strongly typed collection of ColumnSchema elements.
Public classCommandResultColumnSchema
Provides information about a command result column.
Public classCommandResultColumnSchemaCollection
Implements a strongly typed collection of CommandResultColumnSchema elements.
Public classCommandResultSchema
Summary description for CommandResultSchema.
Public classCommandResultSchemaCollection
Implements a strongly typed collection of CommandResultSchema elements.
Public classCommandSchema
Provides information about a command.
Public classCommandSchemaCollection
Implements a strongly typed collection of CommandSchema elements.
Public classConfiguration
Public classConfigurationImport
A class used to import old schema explorer configuration files.
Public classDatabaseSchema
This class allows programmatic discovery of a database schema.
Public classDataObjectBase
Provides a common base for all schema objects that describe a data field.
Public classDataObjectBaseCollection Obsolete.
Implements a strongly typed collection of DataObjectBase elements.
Public classDataObjectBaseCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Implements a strongly typed collection of DataObjectBase elements.
Public classDataSource
Used to store information about a data source.
Public classDataSourceCollection
Implements a strongly typed collection of DataSource elements.
Public classDataSourceManager
Public classExtendedProperty
Public classExtendedPropertyCollection
Implements a strongly typed collection of ExtendedProperty elements.
Public classExtendedPropertyCollectionTypeConverter
Public classExtendedPropertyNames
Public classIDbSchemaProviderCollection
Implements a strongly typed collection of IDbSchemaProvider elements.
Public classIndexSchema
Provides information about an index.
Public classIndexSchemaCollection
Implements a strongly typed collection of IndexSchema elements.
Public classMemberColumnSchema
Wraps a ColumnSchema object and allows for storing extended properties specific to this instance of the member column.
Public classMemberColumnSchemaCollection
Implements a strongly typed collection of MemberColumnSchema elements.
Public classParameterSchema
Provides information about a parameter.
Public classParameterSchemaCollection
Implements a strongly typed collection of ParameterSchema elements.
Public classPrimaryKeySchema
Provides information about a table primary key.
Public classPropertyComparer
Public classPropertyComparer<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Public classSchemaObjectBase
Provides a base for all schema objects to derive from.
Public classSchemaObjectBaseCollection
Public classSchemaObjectCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Implements a strongly typed collection of ISchemaObject elements.
Public classSchemaObjectWithOwnerBase
Provides a base for all schema objects to derive from.
Public classSchemaObjectWithOwnerCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Public classSchemaProvider
Public classSchemaUtility
Summary description for SchemaUtility.
Public classTableDependancyComparer
Sorts TableSchema objects based on their dependencies.
Public classTableKeySchema
Provides information about a table key.
Public classTableKeySchemaCollection
Implements a strongly typed collection of TableKeySchema elements.
Public classTableSchema
Provides information about a database table.
Public classTableSchemaCollection
Implements a strongly typed collection of TableSchema elements.
Public classTableSelector
Public classTabularObject
Public classTabularObjectBase
Provides a common base for all tabular schema objects.
Public classTabularObjectBaseCollection
Implements a strongly typed collection of SchemaObjectWithOwnerCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)> elements.
Public classViewColumnSchema
Provides information about a view column.
Public classViewColumnSchemaCollection
Implements a strongly typed collection of ViewColumnSchema elements.
Public classViewSchema
Provides information about a database table.
Public classViewSchemaCollection
Implements a strongly typed collection of ViewSchema elements.
Public classWrappedNamedObjectCollection<(Of <(<'TBase, TActual>)>)>
Public classWrappedSchemaObjectCollection<(Of <(<'TBase, TActual>)>)>
Public classWrappedSchemaObjectWithOwnerCollection<(Of <(<'TBase, TActual>)>)>


Public structureSortExpression


Public interfaceIColumnSchema
Public interfaceICommandResultColumnSchema
Public interfaceICommandResultSchema
Public interfaceICommandSchema
Public interfaceIDatabaseSchema
Public interfaceIDataObject
Public interfaceIDbConnectionStringEditor
Public interfaceIDbSchemaProvider
This interface is used to implement a custom schema provider for SchemaExplorer. To create your own schema provider simply create a new assembly which includes a public class that implements this interface. Also, the assembly name must end with SchemaProvider.dll (ie. MySampleSchemaProvider.dll). Once you have done this, just put the assembly in the same directory as CodeSmith and that's it.
Public interfaceIExtendedProperty
Public interfaceIIndexSchema
Public interfaceIMemberColumnSchema
Public interfaceIParameterSchema
Public interfaceIPrimaryKeySchema
Public interfaceIReadOnlySchemaObjectCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Public interfaceIReadOnlySchemaObjectWithOwnerCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Public interfaceISchemaObject
Public interfaceISchemaObjectCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Public interfaceISchemaObjectWithOwner
Public interfaceISchemaObjectWithOwnerCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Public interfaceITableKeySchema
Public interfaceITableSchema
Public interfaceITabularObject
Public interfaceIViewColumnSchema
Public interfaceIViewSchema
